Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Remembered A Sacred Space

I remembered a space once that was to be sacred. I felt the warmth, the peace, and the joy of this space in my heart. It never was. But now it can be. Now it will be. Now it is and so it shall be. One corner at a time. One room at a time. It is a space of joy. A space of peace. A space where family, friends, and loved ones can and will gather. It is a space of much love, honesty, loyalty, kindness, gentleness, laughter, thought, inspiration, abundance, and so much more. Be of love, be honest, be loyal, be kind, be gentle, be laughter, be thoughtful, be inspiring, be abundant, and be so much more because you are. You are this and so much more. This is you today, not yesterday, not tomorrow, today. This is you. This is me. This is a sacred space.

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