Monday, February 18, 2013

I Could Either Laugh Or Cry

I had a choice today,  I could either laugh or cry.  I ended up laughing, at the end.  Quite a few times it could have gone either way.  I was so grateful when I started laughing.  A million little things were taken way too long.  I almost put a dirty cup in the forks/spoons/knives drawer and at least I caught my mistake.  I drove three times to the library today because I forgot it was President's Day and it was closed.  Within a span of 3 hours.  Fibromyalgia sucks.  It blows.  

I was able to laugh at the end and my anxiety level went down.  I was able to focus enough to make dinner and even work on a few things.  It seems like if my mind is in a fog, I don't have much pain, if I have the pain the fog is not so much or maybe I don't notice it as much because of the pain.  
I am exhausted as I sit here right before bed, forgot what I was going to discuss, must have been important enough that I did not go straight to bed as I originally planned.  

I was able to take control of the anxiety todayIt was a step forward and I am extremely grateful.  It is a start.  If feels like a start and I don't care what anyone says.  It feels great to feel like the start of something.  Start of recovering?  Start of finally coping with fibro?  Start of learning to live with it? 
I don't care which one of those starts it is.  I am grateful.  


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Neither Friend Nor Foe

Where is he?

neither friend nor foe?
where is he?
the wind is curious
wind sit with me for a moment
for I lack the courage
to speak what is within my soul
wind, my friend
open your eyes
look in my heart
for I am at a loss for words
you will see the story
as the pieces fall together
many puzzles complete
real pictures will paint
as the story unfolds
I hear the whistle of the wind
as I bare my soul
as it feels my emotions 
without speaking words
when I come to a pause
once again encourages me
as my sorrow overcomes me
my walls begin to fade
that have surrounded my soul
I finally find the courage
and dare to ask my friend
Where is he?
The one who is neither friend nor foe?
as I lose my strength
I feel the wind surround me
as it whispers
for each and every one of us
there is a soulmate to call our own
your soulmate no matter his name
or where he is, he is
as you are
neither friend nor foe,  
does not matter the pieces,
puzzles, nor pictures
this is how every story goes
for it has been foretold
do not trouble yourself
and complicate it so
nor find fear or despair
in your loss of words
there is much wisdom
in the silence
when it finally takes hold
once again the wind
has the last word
and finally brings
much needed rest
to once again
continue to
heal my heart
and now finally my soul

I wrote this last night and published it under carissimi on Triond.  
It was one of those nights.  I have read and reread again.  Have you ever written when you felt like you were in a trance?  

What has captured me today is a few lines that have hit me to the core.

your soulmate 
no matter his name
or where he is
 he is 
as you are

He is, as I am.   He is as I am.  
How I am, he is.  Well that sucks, because I'm a mess. 

Am I being too literal in the interpretation? 

Why is it that others write and know what they write?
Why I write and then have to find out what I write?

I sit and wonder as I watch a movie with someone yelling "you need to forget".  

I have been able to put pieces together.  I blamed it on a car accident from 2002.  But I realize now and have to face the truth.  I've blocked out many things in my life.  They are taking less and less of my energy and putting the pieces together no longer hurt.  I am grateful.  I'm still a mess.  I will try to go to the doctor's this week.  It breaks my heart to say I was doing better on my meds.  I was able to organize things, focus better, get more accomplished.  Yes the medicines make me feel like I am just going through the paces at times but at least I was taking more paces or steps.  I have come to a halt again. It was quite abrupt again.  


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Two Nights Ago

Two nights ago was such a hard night  I don't understand why and I laugh at myself.  I do understand why.  Things are changing, life is always changing, nothing new there.  It took me by surprise.  For quite a bit of time now anytime I crashed, anytime Fibro got the best of me, all I wanted was to be alone and deal with it alone.  Something changed, definitely Fibro got the best of me two nights ago and all I know is that I did not want to go through it alone.  When did this transition happen?  Is just a passing whim?  Is this a sign of what is to come or just a glimpse of a flash of a moment which has passed?  I don't care who knows.  Screw this.  I woke up craving solitude like the norm.  But was that just a weak moment that dimmed it's light in the night or is it the beginning of a breakthrough - a clue of what is to come?  I am tired, Fibro definitely has its grip on me and yet I am pondering, what would it be like, oh whatever.  I push that thought a side.

Why?  Why now?  What has changed that such a change in my wants or in my needs should take place?  I understand nothing and yet I seem to understand it all at the same time.  Quite confusing at the same time.
Want is a strange word.  It can be a strong word it can be a word of weakness.  Men can climb mountains because of a "want".  Women, women can move mountains because of a "want".  Giggles, we women rock.

My confusion lies under the want.  At what point did this want creep into my soul, heart, and spirit?  Crap, it is definitely a want that is not going to go away.  It is not just whim.  It is a need, a calling, and it has been years that I have had a "want" like this.  Why?  Why now?  Why at all?  A mischievous sparkle ignites from within.  A girl wants what a girl wants.  It is good to have a "want" in my heart once again.

Did I ask for this want?  No.  Did I expect this want?  No.  Did I know this want was coming?  No.

 I could be sad about having this want.  But who has time for sad? I still have no clue what I am going to do with the rest of life, no clue where my path is taking me, no clue how I am going to survive day to day, no clue if I should take a left or a right, no clue if I should stay or should I go, no clue if well, you get the picture and somehow this want just sneaked right into the middle of this "I have no clue mess".  Funny a$$ I say.  Yes funny how things happen sometimes.